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Friday, June 1, 2012

How to Modify Or change Android .apk

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Google uses .apk files for android apps , which is nothing but another type of .zip file , so when you change the extension form from .apk to .zip file then the application can be explored easily like apllicationcomputersaviez.apk to but still there are some problem , when you open the file you will see another file classes.dex which is not normal file but can be called the most important and can not be opened like any other application . You need a special tool to open these kinds of files which is mention below

Now classes.dex file contains most important things + all the java based files but the thing is that it's encrypted so we are going to use dex2jar opener given below to open the file up

Download Dex2JAr :- 
Download Java Decompiler :-

Now after you have downloaded both the files mentioned above you just need to copy the file classes.dex file to Dex2Jar extracted folder and run a small command from the commandline :- "dex2jar.bat classes.dex"

Now this will create a strange file named something like "classes.dex.dex2jar.jar " so you can open the file using Winrar :- To download click here install it and start modifying you files !!!! 
android unzip apk


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